Bedbug Removal Services
How do you know if you have bedbugs?
Our bedbug removal services have a 100% success rate! Bed bugs can be difficult to find early on because everybody reacts differently to bites; some don’t even feel them, and they can go unnoticed for a long time. The first detectable sign is usually brown spotting along the edges of the beds, their droppings after feeding on you.
Our inspection will tell you if you have a bedbug infestation. Our bed bug inspections are $60. The fee is credited towards future bed bug treatments within 30 days for the exact locations. Contact us to schedule your appointment.
We have a 100% success rate in our bedbug removal services
- We thoroughly treat every room, including furniture, wall trim, light sockets, and other cracks and crevices.
- We use products that are proven to work. Multi-active ingredient micro-encapsulated solutions (time released), Silica-based decedent (Not Diatomaceous Earth), a penetrating egg product, and Aprehend Spores for three months of Protection. All products are pet and kid friendly after a 4-hour reentry period and are the same products we use in daycare and hospitals.
- We give you a 3-month no-charge re-treatment warranty. We do it right the first time.
Local pricing based on Genesee County
- One-bedroom home $598 includes a 3-month warranty
- 2-3 bedroom home $698 includes a 3-month warranty
- 4-5 bedroom home $798 includes a 3-month warranty
-All rooms in the home will be treated, including the living room, bathrooms…etc.
-For Commercial buildings and out-of-county residents, call for a free quote.
Bedbug Removal – the Aprehend Spores Treatment
Read more at the bottom of this page about the Aprehend Spores Treatment.
Customer Testimonial
“Words don’t begin to describe the mental and emotional relief you’ve restored in my Mom’s life. She had already paid for one unsuccessful bedbug remediation, and at 83 yrs of age her coping skills were at an all time low. I would recommend your services to anyone not only for quick scheduling, but arrival promptness, and also genuine reassurance of effectiveness. I can’t say enough to express the gratitude our family has for you. A “FIVE STAR” review isn’t a high enough mark for what you’ve provided. Thank you so much, Marilyn”
What can I do to get rid of bed bugs?
Bedbugs can be tough to get rid of by yourself. They hide in every crack and crevice imaginable, resist some common chemicals, travel easily, and multiply quickly. Bedbug infestation can reoccur when uncleaned personal belongings are reintroduced into a treated environment. Our bedbug removal services include best practices that will help control such issues.
Preparing for our Bedbug Removal Services
Be prepared to leave and remove pets while treatment is being done and up to four hours afterward. Preparation is recommended to expedite the process. Put all clothing, blankets, sheets, and anything else washable into a dryer on high heat for 40 minutes. This will kill bed bugs in those articles. Make sure you place these cleaned articles into a sterile bag.
Beds and furniture may be saved and treated by your pest control professional. It is not recommended to buy bedbug covers since they can prolong control efforts. The covers may be placed on the beds 20 days after the initial treatment; this reduces hiding places and allows for easy inspection in the future. We suggest you vacuum everything, including mattresses and box springs. Dispose of the vacuum bags in the garbage afterward (outside). This will reduce the population and speed up control efforts.
Preventative Option
Preventative Treatment for Bed Bugs using spores is the best long-term option. The product provides three months of protection. Regular (quarterly) treatments offer hotels and motels effective methods to protect against bed bugs, lawsuits, loss of reputation, and remediation costs. We also provide this service for residential customers who travel often. Call for pricing at (810)410-8563.
Heat Treatment
We no longer Provide Heat treatments for bed bugs as they are no longer as effective as the current, more advanced methods.
Our Bedbug Removal Services
We have perfected conventional treatment methods using effective products. The benefit of the chemical method is that control will continue long after any heat has dissipated and is more economical than other options.
We use a 1,2,3 punch and have a 100% success rate. First, we use two different pet and kid-friendly products to treat all the cracks and crevices, eliminating resistance issues; then, we apply light dust to help speed up control and add long-term protection; last, we use a barrier around your sitting and sleeping areas. This barrier (Aprehend) is an invisible wall that will attack bed bugs once they cross it and protect you for up to 3 months.
What is the Aprehend Spore Treatment?
Aprehend is a new cutting-edge bed bug treatment using natural spores.
“By strategically introducing Beauveria bassiana fungal spores in narrow bands where bed bugs are known to walk, Bed bugs of all life stages, sex, or feeding status are killed within four to ten days following short-term contact with a treated surface. The fungal spores germinate within 20 hours of contact and then penetrate the cuticle of the bed bug and colonize inside, resulting in death.
Extensive laboratory studies demonstrated that when bed bugs cross a treated surface, they pick up and carry fungal spores back to the harborage or nesting area. The spores are easily transferred to others in the colony, and all bed bugs that come into contact with the fungal spores die within four to ten days. This process of acquiring spores from a surface treated with this product and transferring them to the colony is repeated each night until the population is eliminated.”
The spray residue remains effective for up to three months, so unlike chemical insecticides, only one application is required to treat an infestation. This treatment is added to our conventional treatment methods for a faster population knockdown and more extended protection. Learn more about Aprehend here.
Prudential Pest Management services the following areas in Michigan:
Genesee County, Tuscola County, Lapeer County, Oakland County, Livingston County, Shiawassee County, Saginaw County, Burton, Clio, Davison, Fenton, Flint, Flushing, Grand Blanc, Linden, Montrose, Mount Morris, Swartz Creek, Gaines, Goodrich, Lennon, Montrose, Otisville, Otter Lake, Clayton Township, Fenton Township, Flint Township, Flushing Township, Genesee Township, Grand Blanc Township, Montrose Township, Mount Morris Township, Mundy Township, Vienna Township, Argentine Township, Atlas Township, Davison Township, Gaines Township, Richfield Township, Thetford Township, and Forest Township. We service all communities in Genesse and its surrounding counties.