Mosquito, Flea, & Tick Treatments
Protect Your Children and Pets
Are you tired of battling mosquitoes in your backyard, picking off ticks, or getting fleas in the house? Prudential Pest Management offers Mosquito, Flea, & Tick Treatments for residential and commercial customers, so you can beat the bloodsuckers and enjoy being outside again.
Prudential Pest Management features a variety of services perfect for transforming your yard into a peaceful place for you and your family. Our most popular barrier spray treatment protects your yard for up to three to four weeks. We also offer an all-natural mosquito, flea, and tick treatment option that repels insects for two weeks.
- One-Time Treatments $89
- $79 per treatment with our Seasonal Package (every Monthly, April-October); this is for people on a budget that need a little help reducing mosquitoes.
- $85 per month, this mosquito service is included in our Silver Plus Package, which provides for preventative insect control on the home or building. (Once/Month April- October),
- $75 per treatment with our Seasonal Package (every 21 days, April-October; this is when the products start to deteriorate, so it keeps a fresh layer of protection and gives better control for mosquitoes.
- $65 per treatment with our Seasonal Package (every 14 days, April-October; this is optimized for MI weather conditions and is the ideal frequency for mosquito treatments.
*Pricing is based on properties an acre or less + $20 for each additional acre.

When should we start?
It’s best to start controlling mosquitoes before they are an issue. We recommend starting treatments in April, then every 3-4 weeks into late October. Many mosquitoes overwinter and rest in places protected from the winter chill. Spraying in the early spring can get these mosquitoes before they can reproduce. Swelling in the late fall stops them from overwintering in your yard.
Other species of mosquitoes overwinter in a larval stage and hatch once the spring rains and warmer weather starts up. We use an insect growth regulator that prevents them from developing into blood-sucking adults.
Consider our Annual Gutter Cleaning Services to Reduce Mosquitoes – Contact us today!
What to expect.
Mosquitoes must come into contact with the treatment for it to kill them. For this reason, there is a gradual lessening of the population. After a few treatments, you should notice a considerable difference.
Keep in Mind mosquito species are problematic at different times. If we do a treatment, suddenly you have a vast upsurge of mosquitoes, but it doesn’t mean the treatment failed. It is likely that a large hatch of mosquitoes has emerged and has not come into contact with the treated areas. Controlling mosquitoes is a constant battle, and we never guarantee you will never see mosquitoes. However, you’ll see a considerable drop in activity throughout the season.
Each treatment typically lasts 3-4 weeks, depending on the weather. The pet and kid-friendly products we use are water-resistant. Heavy rains can negatively affect the treated areas, though. If re-treatment after heavy rain is necessary, we will retreat at no cost – depending on your chosen services.
Most people know the everyday annoyances of fleas for cats, dogs, and sometimes even humans. Their bites are itchy, their saliva can be an allergen causing rashes, and they can cause skin problems when scratched incessantly. Many people don’t realize that fleas carry diseases like mosquitoes and ticks.
Fleas find hosts in warm-blooded animals, not only on dogs and cats but on opossums, rats, and other rodents. According to the ASPCA, fleas can consume 15 times their body weight in blood, which can cause anemia and a significant amount of blood loss over time. They can even cause tapeworms.
A female flea can lay 2,000 eggs, and fleas can bite up to 400 times a day. It would be best if you had a flea prevention plan to protect your home and pets. If you have pets, veterinarians recommend a monthly flea and tick preventative medication during all seasons. An essential supplement to that is treating your yard to keep it flea-free. Our mosquito control services also kill and prevent fleas and ticks.
We also provide Interior Flea Control Services
Ticks can carry the pathogens for ten human diseases and spread illnesses such as Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and Anaplasmosis, which can cause fever, headache, chills, and muscle aches. Ticks are among the most efficient carriers of disease because they attach firmly when sucking blood, feed slowly, and may go unnoticed for a considerable amount of time while feeding.
Pet owners and parents are concerned with tick prevention because a tick bite can have profound implications for children and pets. Five of the ten diseases ticks transmit to humans can be sent to pets. That is why controlling ticks is so important.
Ticks cannot jump or fly. They can only crawl. Ticks wait for host animals from the tips of grasses and shrubs. When brushed by a moving animal or person, they quickly let go of the vegetation and climb onto the host. To avoid this, use prevention methods to keep ticks out of your yard in the first place.
We will spray your yard and set up a barrier for these pests. Since our border sprays target shrubbery, we already know where ticks live and wait for hosts. Don’t let that host be you or your pet! Call us today to schedule a Mosquito, Flea, & Tick Treatment.
Mosquito, Flea, & Tick Treatments for Businesses
Reliable pest control solutions targeting biting insects help municipalities and businesses protect visitors of outdoor spaces from insects and insect-borne diseases. For commercial properties with outdoor spaces, eliminating mosquitoes, ticks, & fleas can boost business, ensuring customers’ comfort and safety.
Golf courses, dining patios, outdoor stages, theme parks, sports fields, fairgrounds, tennis courts, and campgrounds – where people expect to enjoy their public spaces, Prudential Pest Managemen can help.
Mosquito Control Services for Municipalities, Small Communities, & Homes
- Larviciding
- Habitat Reduction
- Adulticiding
- Preventive Barrier Treatments
- One-time Treatments for Birthdays, Cookouts, Parties, & Weddings
Flea Services
- Interior treatments
- Exterior treatments
Contact us for more information on our Mosquito, Flea, & Tick treatments.
Prudential Pest Management services the following areas in Michigan:
Genesee County, Tuscola County, Lapeer County, Oakland County, Livingston County, Shiawassee County, Saginaw County, Burton, Clio, Davison, Fenton, Flint, Flushing, Grand Blanc, Linden, Montrose, Mount Morris, Swartz Creek, Gaines, Goodrich, Lennon, Montrose, Otisville, Otter Lake, Clayton Township, Fenton Township, Flint Township, Flushing Township, Genesee Township, Grand Blanc Township, Montrose Township, Mount Morris Township, Mundy Township, Vienna Township, Argentine Township, Atlas Township, Davison Township, Gaines Township, Richfield Township, Thetford Township, and Forest Township. We service all communities in Genesse and its surrounding counties.